My biggest suggestion when someone asks me what my biggest organizational tip is, is buy and USE an agenda/planner. Before the semester even begins I write down what day my classes are, the times and place. In the case of this semester I was then able to plan out when I would have time for my online course months before school even started. Writing everything down into a weekly planner really, really helps me visualize when I will have time do homework, go to work, study, and have actual free time (so I can see there is a light at the end of the tunnel).
Many people like using planners or calendars on their phones or electronic devices but I'm more of an old school pen and paper type of person which means online courses can prove to be pretty difficult for me but I am definitely taking up the bookmarking websites advice. There is nothing worse than trying to remember that one website that was extremely useful a week ago and not being able to find it again. For being a millennial, one would really think I would be more tech savvy but somewhere along the way I missed that punch line.
Another extremely useful tool I found after last semester especially having a job and school both at the University is separating all the e-mails I receive into folders. This way e-mails are easily accessible instead of searching through e-mails from multiple professors, my boss, and not to mention the e-mails the different colleges send out as well. As soon as I get an e-mail before I even read it I will put it in the properly labeled folder.
So far I have been using a Word document to check my spelling and word count but installing one into the browser seems like a much more efficient means so I will definitely be checking into those options as well.
A meme from Business of Dentistry
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