Thursday, September 29, 2016

Story: Duryodhana's Final Fight

"It's over Duryodhana! Come out, come out wherever you are!", sang Yudhistira.

"It despairs me that you acted so greedy cousin; and have gotten your friends and family killed in this unnecessary war."

Yudhistira and his brothers had all gathered near an old abandoned house where they knew Duryodhana fled to after his uncle had been killed in battle. At that moment Duryodhana knew he had lost not just a battle but the war.

Inside the old, dilapidated house Duryodhana was pacing back and forth in front of a crumbling fireplace. "This did not turn out as I foresaw. After I lost Bhishma nothing seemed to play in my favor. Maybe I should have listened to my father and just gave my cousins the small parcel of land they requested..... Who am I kidding?! They did not and still do not deserve any of my kingdom!"

After a few minutes of waiting for Duryodhana to come out of the dilapidated house, Yudhistira and his brothers became impatient.

"You can hide no more Duryodhana", shouted Yudhistira, "The war is over and your time has come!"

Duryodhana went bursting through the front door making it fly off its hinges. He bursted out, "How dare you disgrace me by saying I am hiding! I simply needed to collect my thoughts and figure out what I have to fight or live for anymore. You, the Padavas have taken everything from me. Not an ounce of desire runs through my bones to have my kingdom anymore."

"You brought this upon yourself!", Yudhistira exclaimed, "I even sent Krishna for a final attempt at peace days before the war began! You are an arrogant one though and refused my offer."

"No the matter!" Duryodhana shouted, "This war is not over for me. I will fight you one by one. Right here, right now, toe-to-toe."

"My track record for betting with you is not very good but I will make one final offer to you,Duryodhana. Pick one of my brothers or I to fight and if you win we will give you a parcel of land to live on, unbothered. If you lose, you will die and we will let Yama do with you what he pleases."

Duryodhana chose the youngest of the brothers, Bhima to battle.

"I finally get to test my skills on others besides the soldiers  who we just slayed in battle." Bhima eagerly waited for Duryodhana to put on his armor and the fight began.

The fight was evenly matched and what seemed like days later Bhima finally outwitted Duryodhana. In an arrogant moment, Duryodhana got distracted for just a few seconds and Bhima sent his sword crashing down on him.

In that moment, with Bhima still panting over him, Yama descended down from a cloud where he had been watching and waiting to take his next guest to the after world.

Authors Note:
My story begins after Duryodhana has lost the war and everything worth living for.
I kept it very close to the original in that the Pandava brothers find Duryodhana hiding after the war. In the original epic they find Duryodhana under water in a lake where he "Needed the water to cool the fire that is still raging within [him]." Similarly he also has a final battle with Bhima. In the original epic story though Bhima smashes him in the thigh and fatally wounds him.
I wanted to still portray Duryodhana's stubborn attitude even in his moment of death in  my story. That is when I decided to keep to the more original story line instead of completely twisting the story around. The gods still intrigue me so I even made Yama a small role even though he is not in the original story.

Bibliography: Narayan's The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part D


  • Yudhistira really does not want to go to war but keep peace within the family.
             - Krishna is going to Duryodhana to make one last plea for Yudhistira.

  • Out of the 4 brothers, Sahadeva wants war and tell Krishna to provoke the Kauravas. 
  • It would be fun to write a song like the 14 days of christmas but instead have the days of Krishna on his way to Hastinapura. page 136
  • I could write a story about Duryodhana and a moral of the story is you are not alway right.
  • I could write a story about a family fight at like the Christmas table or Easter dinner or just a family gathering
              - one crazy cousin causes all this drama by taking all the turkey legs and not sharing then
                takes all the pecan pie and whip cream. At this point the family is fed up but the dad just
                sits there and does nothing.  page 140

  • I could write a story about he preparations for the war. How they chose Dhrishtadyumna as Supreme Commander. page 146
  • Arjuna see's his kinsmen on the other side of the war line and losses heart.
              - He cannot kill his kin folk he admits to Krishna his chariot pilot.
              - It was just a lapse of judgement. Krishna gives him a pep talk
               - maybe I can write my story of Krishna's pep talk but this time it would be to the whole
                   army...... or maybe football team.

  • War raged for 18 days
         - at sunset each side retreated and recouped, I could write a story about what the troops did in
           the evenings between battles page 148-149

  • Abhimanyu, Arjuna's son, targeted his great- grandfather, Bhishma. 
            - Arjuna pierced him with arrows. So many when he fell down he laid in a bed of arrows
              - Bhisma was able to decide when to die. Its kind of grim but I could write a story about
                being able to choose when to die. Like some deadly ill people are allowed to do in a few
Bhisma dying pierced with many arrows from Wikimedia

  • Duryodhana thought now that he could have victory if Yudhistira was captured alive
           - I could write a story about how two cousins got in a fight and they never meant any harm but
            someone always gets hurt in the end. page 156

  • Arjuna cuts off karna's head with an arrow. 
  • Duryodhana has lost everything and goes to a lake with his mystic powers
         - Duryodhana fights Bhima to try to be a King a gain
          - I would like to write a story about this fight and his thought process on choosing who to fight.
              --> kind of like pick your poison page 165
        - Duryodhana lost

  • i could write a story about Narada and Vyasa visiting the Pandavas after war

Bibliography: Narayan's Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Reading Notes: Narayan's The Mahabharata, Part C


  • Dhritarashtra has spies following the Pandava brothers so he knows how well they are doing and about Arjuna's weapons.
           - as always he is torn between his nephews and sons

  • Duryodhana wants to keep closer tabs on the Pandava's b/c he knows his father is iffy. 
            - Duryodhana sent a messenger to invite the Pandava brothers to the festivities he was having
                but the messenger was denied passage by a watchman (a gandhrava) sent by the gods

  • Fight broke out and Duryodhana was taken prisoner
           - Bhima and Arjuna go and rescue him

  • I can tell a story about Yaksha the god who killed Yudhistira's brothers
           - the dialogue between Yaksha and Yudhistira. All the questioning.
           - The Yaksha revived Yudhirstira's brothers after answering the questions
           -The Yaksha was actually Yama
           - He also gave them the power to remain incognito for their last year of exile

  • They decide to live in Matsya
           - each of them are taking on an alias
          - but Draupadi was molested by the Queens brother, Kichaka <--The Maury show story
           - Bhima killed him

  • Duryodhana wants to find the Pandava brothers because he is afraid they will bake the thirteenth year.
         - he figures out the Pandava brothers are probably  in Virata
         - he wants to wage war on them

  • Arjuna takes Uttara to the Kauravas but stops to get the Pandava's weapons
  • I could write a story about the proud father of Uttara page 110
  • Story about the wedding of Uttarai and Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu.

  • The Pandava brothers and Duryodhana both prepared for war after the 13 year exile was over
            - I could write a story about how Duryodhana tricks all of Yudhistira's allies into becoming
               one of his pg119

  • I could write a story like kids fighting on a playground with the two groups sending messengers back and forth. 

Bibliography: Narayan's The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic


Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part B


  • It is now known the Pandava brothers did not die in the house fire but it must have been another family with 5 sons. 
            - this news made Duryodhana very uneasy
            - Duryodhana fears now that the Pandava brother has married Drupada's daughter they will           find a common enemy in him.

  • Drona, Vidura and Bhishma agree the Pandava's come out of exile.

  • Dhritharashtra lives with his son Duryodhana in Hastinapura.
             - his cousins are the Pandava brothers who have married a single wife
             - he invites them back to Hastinapura
             - they are given land and they create a city with a palace to live in called Indraprastha
  • I could write a story about Narada narrating the story of Sunda and Upasunda.
              - page 45
  • Duryodhana envied the Pandava's brothers new city of Indraprastha
                - Duryodhana feared too many people liked the Pandava brothers
                    (Sakuni thinks Duryodhana should leave the Padavas alone because they have a lot of 
  • I could write a story about how Arjuna (a pandava brother) was given with his great bow, Gandiva, and with the gift of an inexhaustible quiver.
                     - it was a gift of Agni 
                     - Arjuna is favored by the gods
                     - page 48
  • Duryodhana says the servants made un of him while he was at Indraprastha.... but he is just making it up
  • Sakuni suggests to Duryodhana that instead of challenging the Pandavas (Yudhistira) to war to challenge them to a dice game in order to humiliate them. 
  • I could write a story kind of based on Varooka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 
              - Dhritarashtra would give anything to his son Duryodhana. 
              - page 51

  • Sakuni (for Duryodhana) plays Yudhisira during the first dice game.
             - the stakes in the game keep getting higher and higher and Yudhisira keeps losing and losing 
             - I could write a story about a rigged dice game
  • Voider suggests to Dhanajaya to to kill Duryodhana in order to keep peace.
                 - he refuses
  • The wife of the Pandava's (Draupadi) refused to go to Hastnapura. She is forced
             - I could write a story about Draupadi 
              - page 61
Draupadi is presented in the dice game after Yudhisira has gambled her away from wikimedia

  • Dhritarashtra feels bad for Draupadi and gives her wishes
  1. Yudhistira is freed
  2. his brothers are freed 
  3. nothing 
          - he gives all their possessions back
          - instead of Dhirtarashra giving them wishes maybe it was a genie like in Aladdin (pg 66)

  • The Pandava brothers are summoned again for a dice game and Yudhistira accepted... again!!!
              - he lost of course and they are all banished for 12 years
               - the Pandava brothers all promised revenge in their own way
  • Sun god gave Yudhistira a copper bowl that gave him an inexhaustible supply of food
             - maybe write a story about the Sun god and the copper bowl!!! pg 72
  • Vidura is banished as well 
             - could elaborate more on his banishment page 73

Bibliography: Narayan's The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Story: The Fishing Trip

"Hey Dad! Car's all loaded up. Let's go!"

You see, every year since my mom left us my dad and I go on an annual fishing trip. At first I think it was more of a " I'm sorry this happened to us but now it's me and you against the world" kind of a trip but now it has turned into our thing. The big annual fishing trip to the Ganges River!

The drive is really not that far but I say "big" because my dad happens to be the king of a city called Hastinapura. As the only son I am the heir to the throne and having both the king and heir to the throne gone to the wilderness is stressful for my father's advisors.
Every year the advisors to the throne come up with some baloney excuse as to why we should not go but every year my father and I head to our favorite fishing spot on the Ganges against their will.

This year is different. My dad is usually the one pushing me out of the door so we can get a full day of fishing in but this year I practically packed the car all by myself. I also have noticed the staff attempting to make as little contact with him as possible, even avoiding his eye, as if they are afraid if he catches their glance he will fire them or something extreme.

I guess he has been rather moody and gloomy lately but I have been so busied with matters in preparing me to become king for when my father decides to step down that I have hardly noticed.

"Dad! Did you hear me? Daylight's awaistin'!"

"I heard ya, I heard ya. I just have to finish signing a few more letters and I'll be ready."

The car ride to the Ganges seemed longer than usual.  The limited talking and the no listening to music made the car ride drag on. The silence was a killer.

River Ganga at Hersil Town from Bipin Gupta

After a few hours of fishing I couldn't take it anymore. "What is eatin' at ya, Dad? Even the staff are afraid to glance your direction these past few weeks."

"I will get over it in time, son. I simply want something I can't have."

"What is it??"

"I've fallen in love with a woman but her father will not allow her to marry me because I already have an heir to the throne."

This information took me a few moments to digest considering it has only been my dad and I for so many years and I have never heard him talk of another woman besides my mother.

"Well, does she make you happy, Dad?"

"She does indeed, but you are my son and prince of Hastinapura. You are the future of our dynasty."

"Father, you have sacrificed so much for me. Let me step down as heir to the throne and the next son you father will be king"

"Son, I would never ask this of you in a million moons!"

"My mind has already been made up. I will visit the maiden's father tomorrow and hash out the fine details."

Authors Note:
In Narayan's Mahabharata, how and why prince Davavratha steps down from the throne is skated over I felt like. I wanted to bring that story to a more modern-day father-son fishing trip to really understand the relationship of king Santanu and his son Davavratha. In Narayan's portrayal, king Santanu instantly falls in love with a beautiful fisherman's daughter while hunting in the woods. The fisherman was willing to let his daughter marry Santanu but only under the condition that her son would be Santanu's successor. Santanu knew he could not accept this condition and left them.
Davavratha, noticing his father's gloomy state of mind, questioned him and when he found out the reasoning went behind his father's back to the fisherman to make the negotiation for his father. Davavratha agreed to never have children of his own and from then on took the name, Bhishna.

Bibliography: The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic by R.K.    Narayan.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part A

  • Would be interesting to write a story about how Santanu (the Ruler of an ancient kingdom, capital at Hastinapura) met the maiden by the river who turns out to be Ganga the deity of the river. 
                   - do more of a dialogue type of a story

Santanu and the maiden by the river from Wikipedia

  • Could write a story about how Prince Devavratha steps down as successor of the throne to please his dad.
                   - there had to be drama with it
                   Devavratha changed his name to Bhishma because he vowed to never marry and have           children. 

                  - maybe base the story on a father, son fishing dream.
  • I could write a scene from a soap opera explaining who slept with who and had who's baby.
               - refer to page 5 for further explanation of who is who. 
  • I previously wrote a story about Yama and Vayu so it would be cool to write a story about their children
  • I could write a story about the Pandava boys
               - it could be from when their dad dies
               - about their quick get away in the tunnel from the fire.
               - One of the Pandava brothers (Arjuna) wins Draupadi as his wife but has to share her with his 4 other brothers.

  • I wanted to do a day time drama kind of show with who is married to who since Draupadi is shared among the brothers. It is also very confusing just like a soap opera is about who's child is who's. 

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan's Mahabharata

Friday, September 16, 2016

Feedback Focus

  1. Reading Out Loud
The only problem I have with reading out loud is you cannot read out loud in a public place. I often find myself nestled in the Youngblood Energy library and if I read aloud in there other students might give me mean glares. On the other hand if I am at home or a place other people are not near me reading out loud does tend to help me focus on what I am reading. Now that I think about it, when I read a passage or sentence that is confusing or difficult to understand I catch myself reading it out loud to help me comprehend it.  What I acknowledged most while reading "Why Dog and Cat are Enemies" out loud is the language used. Language may not even be the right word but more the arrangement or sentence structure made you think about the sentence a little more.

Focus by Dimitris Kalogeropoylos from Flickr

      2. Copy- and- Delete

This is probably my favorite technique of all three. It seems to take a little longer than reading out loud and using a timer but much more affective, at least for me, when it comes to comprehending what I am reading. I catch myself reading but not paying attention to what I am reading more times than I would like to admit but stopping at the end of every paragraph to jot down notes is a great way to catch myself falling into a habit of not focusing on what I am reading. Even if I do fall into that familiar trap I will catch it at the end of a paragraph and not a few pages in. For this particular reading, "What Makes the Lightning" stopping to take notes at the end of every single paragraph may have been a little extreme but when reading a book I think at least stopping at the end of the page would even be extremely helpful. 

    3. Use a Timer

First, "Midterm Madness" is a hilarious story! Savannah did a great job telling a story based on the Ramayana in modern days. As far as the timer technique goes, it is my least favorite of the three. I found myself constantly looking at the clock to see how much longer I needed to read. This caused me to actually pay less attention to what I was reading than if I just read and did not use any of the three techniques. Maybe this technique would work better with reading novels that I find myself invested in and forget what time it is. It would be nice to have that ten minute reminder to write important events down that occurred in the reading during the allotted time. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Story: The Sea to Lanka

"Do you know how infuriating it is Hanuman!?" Rama yelled furiously throwing his hands up. "Sita is so close but we are no closer to saving her than we were when we did not know where he had hidden her".

You see, Ravana, a ghastly man with ten heads was a very jealous man and when he heard of Rama's great triumphs and strengths he wanted him dead. When Ravana seeked Rama to take care of him himself he became distracted by the beautiful glow of Sita. Ravana became so distraught with love for Sita he completely forgot about Rama and his triumphs and snatched Sita without a thought.

Ravana and Sita painting from Wikimedia

"You will be my Queen in the city of Lanka" Ravana exclaimed to Sita as he approached his castle. Ravana never thought someone would not want to live a life of luxury but Sita refused everyone and every fine meal. After a while Ravana became tired of her antics and sent Sita off to a garden on the outskirts of Lanka.
"Finally", Sita sighed. "Maybe Rama will have a chance of finding me now."

Sita knew Rama had to be searching for her and that he had to pick up on her trail she tired to leave on her journey to Lanka.

"Sir, please." Hanuman trying to calm Rama down,  "let me call upon Nala and Nila, they can construct us something to get all the army across the ravaging sea and this will take us to Lanka where Ravana has hidden Sita".

"Fine, fine the sooner the plans take place the sooner we get to Sita", Rama replied impatiently.

Nala and Nila built the city the monkey clan lived in and were known far and wide for their architectural techniques.

"Sir Rama, a bridge only makes sense!"Nila said exasperated, he had been arguing with Nala about what type of structure to make for the sea crossing for hours now.

"I'm telling you Nila, a boat will move much faster than what the army can walk!"

Tired and ready to start building Rama interrupted the two, "We will build a fleet of ships! and this is how we will cross the sea to Lanka and retrieved my dear Sita who has been waiting on me long enough!".

Nala and Nila, intimidated by Rama's loud outburst nodded politely and left the tent to begin work on the ships for the army.

Nala and Nila proved the rumors true and provided Rama with a beautiful  fleet of ships suited to carry him, Lakshman and the monkey army across the tossing sea.

The trip across the sea to Lanka was a difficult one with the crashing cold waves and and strong Northward winds. The Ocean God, Varuna, was relentless and sent gigantic waves almost overturning the ships.
Rama Conquers Varuna by Wikimedia

The fleet reached Lanka after five days at sea and Rama announced, "we make camp here, on the shore! And in the morning, we fight!!"

The army cheered and hollered so loudly Ravana heard them in his Kingdom while watching musicians with his wife and knew the battle was to begin.

Bibliography: The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould. 1911

Authors Note: In the story Nala and Nila build a bridge across the sea to Lanka and the Ocean God, Varuna agrees to make the trip for the army as easy as possible. I thought it would be interesting if everything went wrong for Rama instead of in his favor and see how he would handle the situation. I really enjoyed the idea of having a story about Nala and Nila to see deeper into their characters and learn more about who they are.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading Notes: The Divine Archer, Part B


VII Bali and Sugriva Battle
Rama shoots Bali with an arrow while he is fighting his brother Sugriva.

The search for Siva begins after the rains.
Hanuman found out Siva was in Lanka over the sea so he must pass it.

I could write a story about Hanuman and his army getting caught in a cave that turned out to be a snakes mouth then how they got out of it.

Maybe do a play on Sita being in a garden and Hanuman eating a piece of fruit which got him caught.
Kind of reminds me of the Garden of Eden.

Hanuman lights Lanka on Fire
takes a token of Sita's back to Rama and they gather an army immediately.

Hanuman catches spies in camp sent from Lanka. --> I could write a story about the spies and their journey

Bridge Construction
I could write a story about Nala and Nila's construction of the bridge over the sea. 

Nala and Nila directing monkeys to build the bridge to Lanka Source: Wikimedia

I could also write about the incident where Rama sent an arrow and knocked the crown off Ravan's head and the gold ring out of his wife's ear. I can write a story about the argument they had on whether to yield to Rama or no. 

The Battle Begins
I could write a story about how Lanka, son of Ravan, killed Lakshman in battle but was then brought back to life.
              -Elaborate on the fight though.
Rama kills Ravans brother, Kumbha- Kama.

Rama kills Ravan in battle.

Sita proves herself
sita escapes the flames because she has been true to Rama.

I could write a story about Rama, Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman journeying back to their home, Ayodhya.

After the Battle
I could write a story about Lava and Kusa, the sons of Sita and about their bringing up.
With the old hermit Valmiki telling the story.

Bibliography: The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould, 1911. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Reading Notes: The Divine Archer, Part A


The Divine Archer
King Dasaratha was overjoyed and gave presents to the holy priests and the Brahmans.
People everywhere brought jewels to the city of Ayodhya to celebrate the birth of King Dasarathas four sons.
One son, Rama born from Queen Kausalya.--> Rama was the noblest b/c his feet had a thunderbolt &             the flag & the goad w. drivers to urge elephants.
One son, Bharat born from Queen Kaikeyi.
Two Sons, Lakshman and Satrughna from Queen Samitra.

The hermit, Visva- mitra
Demons would not let the hermit rest in the forest.
He asked Dasaratha for Rama's help because he has heard great things of him and asked for Lakshman to accompany Rama as well.
Rama and Laskshman killed a couple of demons floating around with arrows.

The Ganges
on their journey they stopped in Janak and the king offered them lodging.
I could write a story about Rama and Lakshman's adventure in the city where Rama met Sita.

Rama marries Sita
Rama bends the bow.
could write a story about all the men who tried to break the bow and could not.
How did the other 3 brothers find wives to marry????

I could write a story about the party that lasted for days from the weddings.

Dasaratha finds a grey hair
He wants to crown Rama King
Write a story about Queen Kaikeyi , her son Bharat, and the hump- backed Manthara.

I could write a story about the rein of Kaikeyi while Rama was away. Maybe instead of sandals something else he took as a keep sake.

Write a story about the Ganges River they had to pass

Descent of Ganga form Wikimedia

Write a story about how Dasaratha killed a blind hermit's son in the woods at night near a watering hole.

Saint Agastya
Gave Rama the magic bow of the lord Vishnu, glittering dart of Brahma, and the quiver of Indra that never lacked arrows.

The Demon Maid- Raksha
Wanted to marry Rama or lakshma but they said no and Lakshmi cut off her nose and mutilated her.
The Raksha army came to take Sita away but Rama fought them off.
Raksha got away though.

In this version Ravan wants to put his strength against Ramas.

The Deer
I could write a story about a different object catching Sita's eye.

Maybe a version about what happened when Rama went after the deer and the moments that Lakshman had left Sita and what he was doing.

In this version Ravan could touch Sita.

I could write a story about Rama and Lakshman looking for Sita in the days before they meet the monkey clan.

Sugriva is the King of the Monkeys and Hanuman his comrade.

They make a deal, Rama gets Sugriva's kingdom back and they help Rama find Sita.

Bibliography: The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould, 1911.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Story: Sita's Imprisonment

"why, oh why did I beg Rama to go and fetch the beautiful golden deer that caught my eye! I see now it was nothing but a ploy to draw him away from me and now I have been abducted and do not know the well being of my loving Rama".

Sita had just reached Lanka after what felt like days of flying upon a carpet that Ravana had taken out from under her feet. Ravana's deception had taken Sita by surprise but she did not go with him without a fight, which had taken Ravana by surprise.

Ravana expected the ploy to draw Rama and his brother, Lakshmana, away from Sita the most difficult part of his plan but in fact that part was easiest of all. Rama's wish to please Sita in every way made Ravana want Sita even more than before. Ravana truly believed Sita would be happier with him in his kingdom of Lanka where she would be showered with jewels and flowers not in this unforgiving forest where old men and creatures could creep up on her.

Now that Rama and Lakshmana were busied with the ploy of the golden deer, Ravana knew his road to make Sita his bride was clear. As soon as Sita saw Ravana she knew his intentions were not good, "back Ravana!" she yelled, "Rama will be back any time soon and he will not be forgiving when he sees you near me"!

"Silly, beautiful Sita. Do you not see Rama cannot even catch a deer for you. I can provide you thousands of golden deer if you please. Come be my Queen in my kingdom of Lanka".

"You ugly, hastefull beast! I will never have a desire to be with you in your Kingdom".

At the sound of Sita's words Ravana grew angry and could not contain himself. He went to grab Sita but when he reached for her, she hit his hand away with a force much greater than he expected. Sita began to retreat to the cabin Lakshmana had built but as she stepped on the entrance rug it began to rise.

"You have a heavy hand by beautiful Sita but not even the strength of Rama could escape the confines of my magic".

For days Sita traveled on the floating carpet unable to escape its confines but realizing even though she might not be able to get off the carpet she could drop things. Sita began slowly dropping jewelry her beloved Rama had given her in hope he will find them and follow them. Ravana took her over KishKinda, the land of monkey's, over mount Matanga and across the ocean into his kingdom of Lanka.

"I must not put you with my other maidens, you may cause harm to them with your strength and if you outwit them they will not sing praise for you. Until you have learned to love your new home of Lanka you will stay in the Ashoka Vana".

Sita in Ashoka Vana by wikimedia

Sita replied, "I will stay where it is the furthest away from you, Ravana!".

Ravana left Sita in solitude and had servants check on her from time to time to see if she was ready to join him in his Kindgdom of Lanka. After months of solitude and no sign of her beloved Rama, Sita contemplated death often.

Then one day she heard a clash and the sound of fighting and she knew, her Rama had come to give Ravana what he deserves and fight for his Sita back.

Authors' Note: From Narayan's version of the Ramayana, Ravana hears of Sita's beauty from his sister who has been mutilated by Sita's husband, Rama. Ravana devises a plan to lead Rama away from his wife Sita in order to abduct her. Ravana's plan ultimately succeeds and thus a war begins to win over Sita.

Bibliography: Story is based on Narayan's Ramayana

Monday, September 5, 2016

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Part D


  • Memento From Rama
Hanuman makes it to Lanka and finds Sita. She is being tormented by the rickshas women. Here maybe write a story about what Sita has been going through over the past 4 months while Rama has been waiting for an army to save Sita.

  • Ravana In Council
Ravana wants Hanuman killed for burning down the city after he found Sita. After much consideration, Ravana and his advisors decide to fight for Sita. Ravana thinks a human is nothing and defeating Rama will be an easy task. Ravana's brother, Jambavan, does not agree with him and flees to Rama.

  • Across The Ocean
Rama goes against his advisors and agrees with Hanuman that Jambavan be accepted. Rama's army creates a land bridge across the sea. I could elaborate on this task in a story line.

  • The Siege Of Lanka
The battle begins and Ravana is losing, he even wakes his brother who has been in a deep sleep but Rama kills  him. Ravana is becoming desperate but is encouraged to keep fighting for Sita.

The Battle at Lanka by Wikimedia

  • Rama and Ravana In Battle
The Gods noticed Ravana's determination and sent Indra's chariot to Rama. Rama thinks it is an illusion. In my story I could it that Rama was correct and it really was an illusion like the golden deer.

I could re write the battle scene and instead of riding in chariots and fighting with bows and arrows they could be sword fighting.
I can write a storyline where Rama kills Ravana in another way, maybe with Ravana's brothers help.

  • Interlude
Even though Rama battled for Sita he does not believe that she is honorable and does not want to live with her. Sita did not want to live so jumped into the fire Lakshmana made. The God of fire rose from he flames with Sita and Rama was satisfied.

I can write a story where Rama give Sita a different type of test.

Bibliography:  The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic by R.K. Narayan. 1972. 

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Part C


  • The Grand Tormentor Con't. 
Here, where Ravana tricks Sita into believing he is an old man so she invites him in her tent but then reveals himself as Ravana, Sita tries to talk him out of taking her.
In a different version I could have Sita put up a fight here. Ravana is use to getting what he wants but Sita will put up a fight making one of his crowns fall and that is how Rama and Lakshmana know which direction Ravana took Sita.

  • Vali
Rama and Lakshmana meet Hanuman, ruler of the monkey clan, they become friends.
I think I might like to make their first encounter a little more exciting. Maybe they get into a fight at first and then realize they are fighting friends not foes. Rama and Lakshmana are also introduced to Sugreeva.
Hanuman shows Rama and Sita in his heart by Wikimedia

  • Sugreeva's Story
Rama and Sugreeva have a connection because they have similar stories to one another. Sugreeva and Hanuman want to test Rama's abilities they believe he possesses though so he shoots his arrow through 7 trees. Maybe in another version instead of arrow he does something else to prove himself. Maybe a sword or he does it without asking.

I could elaborate on Sugreeva's brother, Vali. Where was he all those years trying to kill Mayavi in the underworld?

  • Dundubi's Story
Sugreeva presents Rama with Jewelry that must have been Sita's as Ravana swept her over their territory so to lay a track. Sugreeva promise to help Rama find Sita.

Sugreeva calls out Vali for a fight so Rama can get a good shot and kill him. Maybe instead of calling out a fight they plan a sneak attack and the fight assumes or the wives do not warn Vali so he is surprised by the attack.

Rama shoots Vali with an arrow and kill Vali. Vali is surprised it was Rama who had done the deed.
In another version I instead of an arrow maybe Vali dies a different way by Rama or maybe Sugreeva is the one that kills him in the fight.

  • When the Rains Cease
Sugreeva is crowned Kind and Rama give him advice.
Here I could elaborate on the story of Sugreeva as King and what he did in his first 4 months.
I could go into a more in depth story of how Rama is being tortured by the rainy season and how he does not know where Sita is or how she is doing.

Sugreeva did not keep his promise to Rama about gathering his army.

I would like to do a story about Sugreeva's first few months as King so the readers get a back story about what he has been doing.

Finally, an army was put together and Hunuman and Angada went south looking for Sita but they found themselves stuck in a cave not able to get out. Hunuman is able to use his powers to escape the cave but they have taken too long.
Now they discuss what comes next and in the mention of Jatayu and creature appears it is his brother.
I could elaborate on a story about how Jatayu and his brother Sympathy became separated.

Bibliography:  The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic by R.K. Narayan. 1972. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

Right now, as a student about to graduate college feedback, good or bad,  and what I decide to do with that feedback is important. Learning how to handle different types of feedback is a good tool to have and one I would like to learn sooner rather than later in my career.

For this reason I really enjoyed reading all the articles posted. The Why Rejection Hurts So Much article really caught my eye because everyone has felt some kind of rejection in their life whether it was a break up from a partner or taking it back to elementary and being chosen last for the dodge ball team at school. The smallest rejection can hurt, even if on the outside it does not seem like it is harmful it is natural for a human being to jump to conclusions and list ones faults. I really enjoyed this article because I am definitely going to take the advice and when I feel rejected instead of focusing on the negative, listing all the positive tributes I can bring to certain situations.

I also enjoyed the article Overcoming the Fear of Feedback, feedback can be a very scary event if one does not know what to do with the feedback or how to react to it especially if the feedback is unexpected. I related to this specific article in a few ways from when I was an evening coordinator at a gym. As the coordinator I was in charge of making schedules and the well being of the staff and members during the evening time and that meant having to give and take feedback from members and staff. I quickly learned to listening first method mentioned in the article is effective in most situations. Working in a field with customer service when people want to speak to a manager we often refer to it as a complaint, if you think about it the way the article puts it we are just taking in feedback whether it is positive or negative. Often businesses close and it is because they do not listen to their customers feedback and do not know how to react or change because they are stuck in their fixed mindset.

In the articles Presence, Not Praise and Be a Mirror they both refer to the growth mindset. This whole study of the mindset amazes me every time I read more about it. These articles really made me think about how to phrase feedback when giving it. I use to participate in an after school tutoring program for elementary schools for students with low reading levels. Oh how I wish I had these tools under my belt when tutoring the little girl I was teamed up with for two years. She did improve her reading scores during our time together but I wonder know if I could have helped her even more in other areas of her life if I had implemented the growth mindset comments. I truly believe all teachers should go through growth mindset workshops before being allowed to teach because in the grand scheme of things teachers is where one begins to receive feedback that can shape the rest of their life. by Aaron Goodwin

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Story: The God of Fire

I'm not sure how it happened. It is kind of a whirlwind of events and all of a sudden I find myself here with Vayu, the god of wind, and Yama, the god of death. All day long I light candles and burn incense. I am the God of Fire! I should be out hearing the prayers of my followers and answering their sacrifices. Instead, I am here in Lanka serving under the dreadful Ravana.

You see, it was not always like this. I was a God honored by many. Humans would perform ceremonies and sing hymns all in appreciation of the fire I created to make their weapons, cook their food and keep them warm. One day I was alone with my thoughts, situated somewhere between the Sun and the Earth, when I heard a large ruckus from somewhere to the East. This loud situation was very out of the ordinary for the space between the Sun and the Earth is very quiet which is why I went there to be with my thoughts.

By the time I reached the commotion I realized there was an army of hundreds of soldiers. The most decorated officer announced, "I have come to take those willing to serve Ravana in his kingdom of Lanka." Vayu, the god of wind, insisted to the officer, "You must have been sent to the wrong place for we are gods and do not serve a single human or god but serve the rich and poor, from high to low, East to West and North to South." The well trained army remained expressionless and motionless as the most decorated officer spoke, "This is no longer a request but an order from King Ravana. He must have comfort in knowing he has gods in his kingdom he can trust to do their job correctly." In this moment Vayu, the god of wind, sent a gushing wind toward the army in hopes of knocking them down and making a getaway but the wind gust had no effect on the army and they stood their ground.

A Watercolor Painting of Ravana from Wikimedia Commons

In the short moment after the gust of wind there was a small whistling sound and in a moment's notice the army jumped into action. Multiple events happened at once. First my hands were down at my sides unable to move, second, a tornado began to form in the near North and third, I began to move without moving my feet. As the tornado ripped through and blew away a few of the soldiers causing confusion I channeled my efforts but could not make fire. During this time is when I realized they had to be practicing some sort of black magic to curtail our powers until we were with King Ravana in Lanka where he reigned.  

After a day and a night's trip we reached Lanka where we were greeted with flowers, garlands and music. It is quite an unnatural feeling, as you can imagine, involuntarily being taken but accepted with open arms of cheer. Not until this moment when I looked back at the end of the procession did I notice Yama, the god of death. He is a quiet man that hopes to go unnoticed until the right time. I yelled out, "Yama! Old friend!" and tried to move closer but the army kept us far apart and after a sensation went through me I could no longer shout.

The procession seemed like it would never end but when it did we were standing in front of Ravana. "Old friends! How kind of you to come when I am in such a troubled situation. You see, the streets are full of unwanted garlands and flowers after I walk down them and need to be blown off. Our city is without light and needs to have candles lit throughout and someone to burn our incense. I am most troubled by not knowing what time it is and need to be notified of every hour that passes in the day." At this moment I realized he wanted us to do petty jobs for him because he did not want to share us but wanted all the praise us deities get for himself. With an army as big and strong as Ravana's protecting him, an escape was impossible, so here we are today: Vayu, Yama and I in the very place we do not want to be serving the King least loved from the Sun to the Earth.

Author's Note: In the Ramayana by R.K. Narayan, Soorpanka runs to her brother, Ravana, for help in the city of Lanka where he reigns supreme lord. Here in this city Ravana has enslaved several gods to do petty jobs such as sweep the halls, light the lamps and keep the time. This particular passage in the Ramayana about the gods being enslaved, though just a short paragraph, intrigued me. 

The first thought that came to mind while reading was, how did they get to Lanka? That is when I thought of writing a story about how gods could wind up under the control of the evil demon, Ravana.  In telling the story the way I did I really wanted to show the reader how heartless Ravana is. I wanted there to be no doubt that Ravana is the antagonist throughout my stories. 

In the original story of The Ramayana: Book 7, Uttara Kandam Ravana wages war on the gods. He takes them prisoners of war and places himself above all the deities. In the story I have written the gods possess magical powers to attempt to break free from Ravana's capture. I chose the story to be told from the point of view of Agni, the god of fire, to better understand the situation he, Vayu and Yama have gotten into.     

Bibliography: The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic. Written by R.K. Narayan in 1972.